jueves, enero 25, 2007


Let me tell you some things about me that you may not know —things that have taught me respect. I have spent my entire life on or around Indian Reservations. I was born amidst the Nez Perce of Idaho. I lived in the middle of nowhere among the Navajo in New Mexico. I began my schooling on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona. I now live in the thriving metropolis of Sylva, North Carolina, right next to the Cherokee IndianReservation. In every one of these cultures, I have experienced something different. One of my babysitters was a traditional Navajo rug weaver, who would spin the wool when she would take care of me. Another experience that stuck with me is when I attended the Apache Jii days in Arizona and watched, in awe, the traditional hoop dancer take twenty to thirty hoops and dance with them in incredible ways. Not only have I seen the cultural aspects of Native Americans, I have seen them in what we would consider normal walks of life. They are my doctors, my nurses, my health care professionals, and even my father’s colleagues. The Nez Perce, the Navajo, the Apache, the Cherokee—I have learned about and have experienced these cultures first hand. These experiences have allowed me to have an incredible respect for each of them and, through them, for other cultures.

Another aspect of my life that you may or may not know is that prior to coming to Asheville School four years ago, I obtained my entire education through homeschooling. Part of that homeschooling included my family traveling throughout the United States and, in some cases, around the world. Wherever we travel, I learn about the people and the events that may have happened at that place. I went to places such as the Oregon Trail and learned about the hardships that the travelers experienced and how they overcame them. I studied how the Civil War, Revolutionary War, and other major events may have changed this country in ways you have studied, but also in ways you may not.

I have learned about technology and pioneers such as Edison, Ford, and Marconi who lent their expertise to this country. Through my travels I have met different people, and learned about many others. From these travels, I have gained a sense of humility about and gratitude toward people who contribute to our American society.

NOTE: This was written by a quite close friend of mine, Nathan Doane, and I didn't ask for permission to post it (yet)... but every single flattery should be delivered to him...

Escuchando: Save Ferris - Spam

lunes, enero 22, 2007


That’s it. Every single relationship we have with each other has to do with that
very word. Look at the person next to you. Do you respect him or her? How much do you respect that person? Have you ever shown your respect? How about those you don’t necessarily like? Do you show respect to them, or… would you rather cast them into the scorching fire? The respect we hold for each other determines how well we, as human beings, work together. The entire Asheville School system, under which we all live, functions on the concept of respect. We must respect each other’s property and privacy through the honor code. We respect our teachers’ and peers’ knowledge, otherwise we would not go to class or ask questions of each other. The respect that we learn at Asheville School transfers into the world beyond our small community. Matthew 22:39 tells us that the second greatest commandment is that “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Bible). Now be real. That definitely does not mean that you must go to every person and say, “I love you.” Instead, love comes in the form of respect. Allow me to elaborate.

What does respect mean? Take that passage from 1st Corinthians again, and insert respect instead of love: “[Respect] is patient; [respect] is kind; [respect] is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. [Respect] never ends” (Bible).

This context suggests that respect is a form of human love. By showing our respect toward others, we develop a sense of cohesiveness and unity. Respect for one another also boosts morale and creates an air of happiness. In simpler terms, it makes people feel good. When someone greets you every day or stands at the door holding it open just a little longer for you, it’s out of respect. Mr. Bonner, in his introduction to English V, told us that we, as human beings, are genetically approximately 99% the same. Yes, we have our differences in experiences, giving us different opinions. However, we experience the same problems in life, whether it’s trying to sum up the courage to ask a girl out (or if you are that girl, saying, “Yes”) or always trying to master that concept in math, or, in my case, English. We must respect one another so that there is not a constant clash among ourselves either in the form of argument or of quiet resentments.

NOTE: This was written by a quite close friend of mine, Nathan Doane, and I didn't ask for permission to post it (yet)... but every single flattery should be delivered to him...

Escuchando: Oasis - Keep the Dream Alive

lunes, enero 15, 2007

Chiste Friki de las 13.33

Escuchando: Kevin Spencer Theme Song

viernes, enero 12, 2007


Odeio ver você chegar e iluminar meu dia
Odeio seu abraço me envolvendo em noites frias
Odeio sua voz sussurrando
palavras doces em meu ouvido
Odeio olhar em seus olhos e ver em você mais que um amigo
Odeio a saudade que sinto quando você vai embora
Odeio sentir seu perfume em qualquer lugar que eu vá,
a toda hora
Odeio beijar outras bocas com o pensamento em você

Odeio pensar em você o dia inteiro,
dormir e sonhar com você
Odeio ver seu rosto entre a multidão
e ver que na verdade era apenas
um rosto desconhecido, uma farsa
E odeio mais ainda, não conseguir te odiar,
por mais que eu tente ou por menos que você faça...
Odeio o modo de como fala comigo
e como corta o cabelo.
Odeio como dirige o meu carro.
E odeio o seu desmazelo.

Odeio suas enormes botas de combate
e como consegue ler a minha mente.
Eu odeio tanto isso em você
que até me sinto doente.
Eu odeio, eu odeio como está sempre certo.
E odeio quando você mente.
Eu odeio quando me faz rir,
muito mais quando me faz chorar.
Eu odeio quando não está por perto e o fato de não me ligar.
Mas eu odeio principalmente não conseguir te odiar,
nem um pouco, nem mesmo por um segundo,
nem mesmo só por te odiar

Escuchando: Erik Satie - Gymnopedie N. 3

viernes, enero 05, 2007

UUUUUuuuuuuuh chacarron!!!

Escuchando: Chacarron, Chacarron!!!

martes, enero 02, 2007

Propositos de año nuevo?

visitar los que me quedan....

y volver a los que me gustaron :D

Escuchando: Lori Meyers - Donde estan mis maletas?