martes, septiembre 23, 2008

Palin for president

but the **other** Palin!

Escuchando: Betagarri - Zure Ingurua

jueves, septiembre 11, 2008

De donde venimos? a donde vamos?

Parece que un biologo lo ha descifrado....

Un biólogo asegura que el hombre se volvió sedentario para beber cerveza y embriagarse

en fin, flipa

Escuchando: Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles

sábado, septiembre 06, 2008

Where is my mind?

uhh uhh!


Put your feet on the air
and your head on the ground,
try this trick and spin it,
yeah (yeah!)

Your head will collapse
if there's nothing in it,
and you'll ask yourself
'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'

way out,
in the water, see it swimming...

I went swimming in the Caribbean
animals were hiding behind the rocks
except the little fish,
who told East is West,
and they talked Coi Koi...

'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'

way out,
in the water, see it swimming...

Put your feet on the air
and your head on the ground,
try this trick and spin it,
yeah (yeah!)

Your head will collapse
if there's nothing in it,
and you'll ask yourself
'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'
'where is my mind?'

way out,
in the water, see it swimming...

Llevo unos dias con esta cancion constantemente en mi cabeza... todo por ser la cancion cierre de una discoteca en Brno...!

Sea por lo que sea... soy el unico al que le parece que es lo mas proximo a los 'viajes' de una droga psicotropica?

Escuchando: Pixies - Where is my mind?